Emit now supported!

Version 4.0 of the ROC is released! Now with support for Emit online units. Thank’s to Jouni, the Finnish representative for SportSoftware for giving me the challange and the equipment to make it possible!

Before the ROC ”only” has been in Sweden, Schweiz and South Africa… And what do they have in common? Same time zone… And Finland then? No, another Time Zone… Hence the ROC now supports Time Zones. 😉

If you want to use Emit, please choose the Emit punching system in web GUI for your unit. Because Emit doesn’t send control code more then every 4 minutes, there is a setting in web gui to set the control code if you don’t want to wait 0-4 minutes for the punches to arrive when starting the ROC. After that they arrive instantly of course.

Best regards

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